You are standing at the entrance to Hawke's Manse, a massive, stately mansion at the northwest corner of Lorelei. Its basalt, gargoyle-adorned spires tower over you. It's a beautiful, but imposing place.
It's also off limits. The door is very locked, and the windows are covered. There's a sign hung on the doorknob: 'For Sale. Interested buyers should contact Lyle, at Internal Affairs.'
As you enter the temple, you feel an unpleasant, tingling sensation all over your bodies. Then an invisible force wall throws you back. An atonal, disembodied voice says "Anama members only." So much for that.
As you enter the temple, you feel a pleasant, tingling sensation all over your bodies. An atonal, disembodied voice says "Welcome, members of the faith."
A large, dark mansion occupies the northwest corner of town. It was built to last ... the giants' bombardment has barely affected it. The courtyard has a very pleasant little garden.
This is the guards' bookshelf. The books are evenly divided between books on tactics and fighting techniques, picture books, and books intended for a very adult audience.
You find a hole in the ground. Somebody dug something up here recently.
These rooms were someone's home. Whoever lived here had the relative good sense to move out.
This is interesting. This room is set up like someone's home. However, everything is pristinely arranged and covered with a thin layer of dust. It's more like a museum display of a home than an actual home.
You hear a man's hoarse laugh. It comes from nearby, but you're not sure where. The voice says, in between chuckles, "If you weren't Exiles, you'd be dead now! Be more alert! And come in!" You aren't sure what he's talking about.
You mention to Anaximander you reached Lorelei. He nods, and thinks. "You know, we have an agent there. His cover name is Dwaine. Be sure to look for him. He'll probably be in hiding. It's his way."
You find the body of a female beggar. She died quickly ... one shattering blast from a giant's club. At least it wasn't disease or acid.
Unfortunately for Lorelei, a patrol of giants has just snuck into this ruined corner of town. Unfortunately for you, you've just run into them.
You find a note, pinned to the table with a knife: "Giants too much for me. Gone to Dorngas. Anyone wanting to study Alchemy can find me there. - Carlos"
You enter the ruins of Lorelei's park. The giants breached the wall in this corner of town, and the Lorelei militia sealed it off with force barriers and stone walls. Unfortunately, the giants left a small force here ...
Unfortunately, this gate has been shut off from the rest of town. The giant's decimation of the northeast corner of town has reached here. You may want to reenter town from another direction.
He looks at you dubiously when you tell him you joined the Anama. "Well, it is acceptance from surface people. I hope you know what you're doing. Also, if you ever want to quit, I'm sure studying Mage Spells again will get them to kick you out."
A group of Lorelei soldiers, growing increasingly irritated with you, march up to throw you out of town again.